by David Figura
Myself, Katie and Alex late last year share a happy moment in Montreal. A month later, Katie headed out to...
by David Figura
My wife says if I had nothing to angst about I’d make something up.At the top of my worry list is how my grown children are doing.One thing I’ve discovered being a middle-aged father: Sometimes it’s hard to let go. My daughter Katie, 25, is in Seattle working for a...
by David Figura
What’s the greatest fear of your average middle age guy?Is it getting into a traffic accident and becoming paralyzed for life from your neck down? Is it losing your wife and all your children in a house fire? Or is it an aggressive cancer unexpectedly striking you...
by David Figura
For the record, I’m writing this column on the first day back from a week-long vacation. I went on a camping trip with my wife and another couple on a lake in the Adirondacks. During that time, I didn’t turn on a computer or check (or respond to) to any emails. In...
by David Figura
This is the summer of separation for some parents. I’m not talking about divorce but rather college. I’m talking about how some graduated high school seniors are heading off to college at the end of August, leaving parents as “empty nesters.” Suddenly husbands and...
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